Apprendre à

Formation writing research articles


COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course aims to • refresh and develop your skills in writing for your academic and professional career during your doctoral and post-doctoral life; • raise your awareness about research article requirements; • help you to integrate the international academic community of peer researchers, editors, referees and supervisors. THE APPROACH • The approach is participatory learning, where trainees are very much involved in the process. • Trainees are required to contribute individually and in groups to the lessons. • Trainees will be required to comment and discuss materials that are presented in class. • Handouts may be distributed and trainees are called to do exercises in class. PEDAGOGICAL REQUIREMENTS • White board and wet markers, • data show projector; •photocopying facilities ---------------------------------------------------------- lien de préinscription : --------------------------------------------------------------- prix de la formation : 150dt durée : 12h  Formatirce : Mme Dammak ; doctor en anglais et enseignante universitaire Horaire : de 9 h -->16h  pause café de 10 minutes toute les 2 heures  certficat agréé par l'ETAT contact : 52226425-52226993-58926425-31587130


Centre de formation: EAFIP
Date de début: __
Date de fin: __
Durée : 12h jours
Prix: 150 DT
Catégorie: Formations Métiers
Site web:
Tél: 00 21673587130
Fax: 00 21673587130